Meet the Owner of AdDRESSingME


I'm Rebecca Silva the fashion designer and entrepreneur owner behind AdDRESSingMe. 

When I was just a little girl I loved playing with my Barbies, organizing their closets and dressing them up. I loved crocheting, knitting, and sewing my barbie's clothes myself. I also loved dressing up myself. My aunts would always complain to my mom that I was too young to wear high heels or lipstick, lol. 

Fast forward, when I was 18 years old I got accepted to study Fashion Business and Marketing at a prestigious university in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was at 19 that I started dreaming of having my own clothing line. While, completing my four years bachelor's studies, at 21 years old, I had the opportunity to work in various branches of fashion, including being monitor at Sao Paulo Fashion Week, salesperson at Calvin Klein and Zara, marketing assistant at World Fashion, writing co-editor at Moda Brasil, Image Consultant at Revibe Label, Academic Researcher for my own project at school, and as Marketing/PR Associate for the Salt Lake Association of Fashion Designers.

My life choices led me to do many different things before landing where I am today, such as volunteer service at 22 years old, more studies getting another associates in Entrepreneurship and Business Management at 25, getting married at 27 years old, then having five children and so on. 

However, it was when I was studying Entrepreneurship at 25 years old that I had an epiphany moment because realized I needed to stop dreaming and have action to make my dreams come true. Having my own clothing brand was my ultimate dream. While having my kids, I had to again postpone my dream due to focusing on raising them. I was immersed and fully devoted to my calling as a mom but something inside me was dying. It drove me crazy, I couldn't let my biggest dream since I was 19 die! That thought kept me up at night but at the same time it instilled in me a crazy drive with so much passion and fire in my soul that I started planning, budgeting, researching, reading books, doing lots of sketches, sending emails to manufacturers, doing lots of creative boards and you name it.

But for the life of me nothing was coming to life because it felt like I had no direction and I was overwhelmed. In 2021 I had seen an online ad and it got me intrigued how it portrayed opening up a business to be so easy. I kept digging, learning and studying from after my kids went to bed until 3 am every single day for months. After, so much devotion to my learning I decided it would be now or never. In 2021 AdDRESSingMe was officially born! I have made many mistakes on this journey and am still learning as I go. However, I have been living my long dormant dream since then and I could not feel more grateful and accomplished for myself. 

I hope I can be an inspiration to the most important people in my life, my husband, my children, my parents, siblings, friends and those that come along the way! If I can pursuit my dream and make it happen, so can you!

Warm Regards,

Rebecca Silva owner of AdDRESSingMe